Products & Features
Organize your software by the Products & Features they support
One of the primary reasons software is built is to support user-facing Products & Features. In many organization, individual software may support multiple products, and those products may have their own stakeholders from functions and people that cut across the organization. With Tempest, you can create Products & Features to organize your software by the products and features they support.
Here are some benefits of using Products & Features:
- Create and organize your software into your product and feature hierarchy
- Assign ownership of Products & Features to team and people owners
- Enable stakeholders outside of engineering to understand what software powers which products and features
Let’s take a look at how to create and manage Products & Features.
Creating Products & Features
Products & Features are created under Governance > Products & Features and can be added by clicking the + Add New button.
Because software goes through stages, each Product or Feature can be assigned a status. The status is found under the Status dropdown in the Products or Features’ detail view.
The avialable options are:
Only Products & Features with an “Active” status are available to assign to Projects, Recipes, Resources, Teams, and People.
- Idea
- Planned
- Active
- Deprecated
- Archived
Products & Features can be set as either a Product or a Feature. By default, all new entries are a Feature. Products are considered a collection of Features and are used to group Features together.
Creating Groups
When editing a Product or Feature, you can assign a parent by clicking the Parent dropdown in the sidebar. Once completed, the item will be grouped under the parent in the list view.
Assigning Items
From a single Resource, Recipe, Project, Team, or Person view, select Products & Features in the sidebar and click the plus button. Active Products & Features can also be clicked to update or remove them.
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