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Configuring Global Resources in Tempest recipes

You can add cloud resources to the Recipe based on its purpose. For deploying a Dockerized application to Google Cloud Run, you’ll need to add relevant GCP resources.

  1. Add resources relevant to the entire Recipe

    1. Click the “+” next to Global Resources and select Google Cloud.
    2. Click Build Configuration to set up your Build Configuration resources.
  2. Connect Tempest to your Google Cloud account

    1. Click Add Credentials.
    2. Tempest supports multiple ways to connect with your cloud providers. For Google Cloud, you can use:
      • OAuth
      • Google Service Account

Add credentials to connect Tempest to your Google Cloud

  1. After connecting Tempest with GCP, you’ll be redirected to select the project, region, and repository name to complete resource configuration.


Where possible, we recommend setting reasonable, overridable defaults, like the “Repository Full Name” variable shown here.