
The test command is used to test the functionality of a Tempest App.

tempest app test <app-id>:<app-version> [flags]


    --datasource-input string     The datasource input for the 'list' operation.
    --env stringArray             Environment variables to set for the operation. Format: KEY=VALUE.
-e, --external-id string          The external ID of the resource to test. Only required when testing 'update', 'delete', or 'read' operations.
-h, --help                        help for test
-i, --input string                The input to the operation. JSON formatted input options to the operation.
-o, --operation string            (REQUIRED) The operation to test. Accepted values: 'create', 'update', 'delete', 'list', 'read'.
-p, --parent-external-id string   The external ID of the parent resource. Only required when testing sub-resources.
    --project-id string           The project ID to use for the operation. If not specified, a random one will be generated.
-t, --type string                 (REQUIRED) The type of the resource to test.

Options inherited from parent commands

--api-endpoint string   The Tempest API endpoint to connect to. (default "")
--config string         full path to the config file (default is $WORKDIR/tempest.yaml)
--debug                 Enable verbose logging

See Also