Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Learn about Tempest’s AWS integration capabilities and supported resources
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs. The AWS App in Tempest enables comprehensive management of key AWS resources through our platform.
For detailed information about each resource, see the Resources section below.
These are the supported authentication methods for AWS in Tempest:
AWS Access Key
Ensure your access key has appropriate read, create, and delete permissions for all services you plan to manage through Tempest.
Tempest uses AWS Access Key authentication to orchestrate and manage AWS resources. This requires:
- AWS Key ID
- Secret Access Key
Configure CI build pipelines by linking GitHub repositories with AWS CodeBuild projects.
Programmatically generate build images based on project configuration.
EC2 Instance
Create and manage virtual servers in AWS, with support for:
- Instance types
- AMI selection
- Security groups
- Network configuration
- Storage options
ECR Repository
Create and manage Amazon Elastic Container Registry repositories for storing container images.
Elasticache Redis
Manage Redis instances within AWS Elasticache, including:
- Node type selection
- Replication configuration
- Security settings
- Backup options
Fargate Service
Deploy containerized applications using AWS Fargate with configuration for:
- CPU and memory allocation
- Networking settings
- Auto-scaling rules
- Service discovery
RDS Instance
Manage relational databases through Amazon RDS with support for:
- Multiple database engines
- Instance classes
- Version management
- Backup configuration
Manage DNS zones in AWS Route53:
- Public hosted zones
- Private hosted zones
- Zone configuration
Create and manage DNS records within zones:
- Multiple record types
- Routing policies
- Health checks
S3 Bucket
Configure object storage buckets with options for:
- Regional placement
- Versioning
- Access control
- Lifecycle policies
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